- Alot of time, no money back, headaches....
Published on November 26, 2005 By --Gabriel In Community
Okay, I like doing graphic design. I grew up on a farm, in the middle of a 200 acre cornfield, I didn't like to ride 4-wheelers, go hunting, or line dance so I messed around with the computer when my Dad first bought an old 486. I was lucky enough that my best friends dad was a web-page designer on the side, and that MY dad is an art teacher an had an educational version of Photoshop. I began designing really ugly websites that served no purpose because it was fun and I had nothing better to do.

A few years later when Windows 2000 came out, and everyone was itching for XP I saw a program that could let me have the look of XP early on my older system... I thought that was pretty neat and so I used it. I began customizing the look of my PC and soon began designing skins because they actually were appreciated by people (unlike the useless websites I created.)

I've been happy to make skins and upload them but now as I'm becoming more and more busy and the time it takes to make a good skin become greater and greater with all the new features the fun factor is beginning to wane. I still enjoy the compliments, and the creativity involved... but is it worth dealing with the headaches, the insults, the assholes, the loss of free time?

In my observation several good skinners have recently seemed to say that it isn't worth the hassle, and kept thier creations to themselves. They may be onto something.

Comments (Page 6)
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on Dec 18, 2005
I would like to see only apprentices on up be able to rate skins.

I'm "just" a subscriber but I refuse to rate down. If I like a skin/wall I'll start at star 3 and up. Anything I don't like I ignore. Thats my policy.

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Dec 18, 2005

I am empathetic with your concerns. Doing graphic design myself, I also have done a share of skinning for other software.

Here is what you need to think of. Why did you really start? Was it to make other people happy? No. It was to make yourself happy and have a creative outlet. If you shared your creations, that's great, but it's not the important thing. The important thing is how it makes you feel. I have found that the creativity outlet may wane at times, but eventually comes back. So keep in mind why you started and go back to your roots. You're doing it for yourself.

If you do decide to continue sharing, great. Ignore the assholes - they don't count for much. The stress - you shouldn't let stress come into your skinning. You're doing this for fun. When stress becomes involved, it becomes work. Don't let that happen.

I realize that ratings can have a positive impact on a creator. They can also have a very detremental impact. IMHO ratings should be done away with. If somebody likes your work, they will download it. If not, they won't.

So keep your spirits up and do what you feel it right for you.

Edit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I just read another comment:
"Is skinning worth it?" It is to me as a user. Life's to short to do things you don't enjoy. I suggest that if you started skinning because you liked skinning . . . continue. Post what you make for yourself . . . and never look at the ratings or comments or downloads. That's not why you did it.
Great words.
on Dec 18, 2005
MANY THANKS to all those who have spent precious personal time to make skins, themes, icons, etc. For those of us who use a computer 6+ hours a day, AND also enjoy the variation that you "skinners" all offer - I think I can collectively say , Thank you!.
Regardless if I (personally) do not like a particaular skin, the time was devoted, and I am appreciative of the work. Many have noted in actual 'skin' comments, that constructive critisism could be given to help the skinner fix bugs and/or learn more. Stupid comments and malicious votes by idiots, expecially those with no "skin" knowledge/experience, should be deleted or avoided all together. Skinners rating skinners only? Maybe that's the key.
Thanks and happy holidays!
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