- Alot of time, no money back, headaches....
Published on November 26, 2005 By --Gabriel In Community
Okay, I like doing graphic design. I grew up on a farm, in the middle of a 200 acre cornfield, I didn't like to ride 4-wheelers, go hunting, or line dance so I messed around with the computer when my Dad first bought an old 486. I was lucky enough that my best friends dad was a web-page designer on the side, and that MY dad is an art teacher an had an educational version of Photoshop. I began designing really ugly websites that served no purpose because it was fun and I had nothing better to do.

A few years later when Windows 2000 came out, and everyone was itching for XP I saw a program that could let me have the look of XP early on my older system... I thought that was pretty neat and so I used it. I began customizing the look of my PC and soon began designing skins because they actually were appreciated by people (unlike the useless websites I created.)

I've been happy to make skins and upload them but now as I'm becoming more and more busy and the time it takes to make a good skin become greater and greater with all the new features the fun factor is beginning to wane. I still enjoy the compliments, and the creativity involved... but is it worth dealing with the headaches, the insults, the assholes, the loss of free time?

In my observation several good skinners have recently seemed to say that it isn't worth the hassle, and kept thier creations to themselves. They may be onto something.

Comments (Page 5)
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on Nov 27, 2005
One possible solution to the problem would be to have users download first, comment second and rate third in that specific order (if they try to rate before a download or comment, it would not accept the rating), and show the rating given on the comment left. People will think twice before granting a malicious rating to a skin. This will keep users honest and skinners happier.
The ability to control who comments on the skins is a great idea too. This will take away some of stress on the admins/mods that have to deal with many emails concerning improper comments.

I agree whole heartedly with this statement/idea. I'm just one of the people that "bought" my right to rate (I'm a subscriber), but I don't know enough about the mechanics of skinning to rate someone's work, so I don't do it. I don't think that just because I'm a subscriber I should have this priviledge, either. Skinning is way more than just slapping some graphics into a template and calling it good...and I don't have that talent and I sure don't want to see those that have the ability and desire to use that talent dissapear from this wonderful playground (where all the kids get to share in the Jell-o)! Please, Brad, take the above suggestion/idea to heart and change the current system before those of us who do subscribe won't bother to do it again because there's just nothing/no one submitting anything that we can download.
Just a lowly subscriber (but proud of it),

Posted via WinCustomize Browser/Stardock Central
on Nov 27, 2005
Just a reminder, though.....anyone having 'grief' from comments, etc....I'm here..

As am I.

on Nov 27, 2005

Why is this allowed? I only comment or rate when I see something I really like. I would gladly give up this access if it meant that skinners wouldn't have to put up with the idiots.

Likewise....I'm not a skinner and see the ability to rate skins as a privelege, not a right.....and I believe anyone who constantly or repeatedly abuses this privelege should have it permanently revoked. I will only rate or comment on a skin that I've downloaded and applied first, but only then to show my gratitude and appreciation for the work that I'm unable to do myself. However, I would glady forego the ratings privelege to allow apprentice and above to rate skins, if it that's what it takes for greater harmony and skinners much happier to remain.

I also think the download, comment first idea has merit....as does the idea of a skinner being able to remove blatantly rude, arrogant and accusational comments.
on Nov 27, 2005
I would glady forego the ratings privelege to allow apprentice and above to rate skins

Psst.. Starkers ...Check your profile, mate... You are an apprentice

I will only rate or comment on a skin that I've downloaded and applied first, but only then to show my gratitude and appreciation for the work that I'm unable to do myself.

And that, my friends ~is exactly how it should be done if you are not a skinner. Show your appreciation for the hard work put in to a skin.

If you don't particularly like the skin, say why you don't ~but tact and diplomacy are paramount. Common courtesy extended to your fellow site users/skinners/artists etc ..goes a helluva long way.

If you can't be respectful, then you shouldn't be here anyway.

My Mum always says: "If you ain't got something nice to say....." [etc]
on Nov 27, 2005
I also think the download, comment first idea has merit

Yes, no one should be allowed to comment or rate something that they haven't downloaded. Comments do have their place though. I'm sure the skinners appreciate the thanks and good reviews and it is a way for people to report bugs and such. I don't think I would want to be inundated with emails about bugs, real or perceived. I have a question. Is anybody allowed to comment? Shareware, looky loos, pirates? If so, why?
on Nov 28, 2005
I don't think the rating system is the main problem of all of this (thats its own thing and I've yet to see one that truely works right, but I do like the idea of app. and up doing it). We skinners make these things for free... bottom line, we get nothing from it except maybe some slight bragging rights. To get bashed for it is just insane, you don't like it... fine, don't use it. Think its a rip, then report it to an admin (which I've had to do even). I love the idea of either restricting comments with access levels set by the skinner themselves and/or being able to delete comments (maybe at least be able to report them to be deleted). Just my 2 cents... as far as the rating sys... I think the worst problem there is not the system at all but people rating on things other than the skins quality.
on Nov 28, 2005
Psst.. Starkers ...Check your profile, mate... You are an apprentice

Well blow me down...now ain't that a surprise and a half!!!
Guess I had better go get me some tools an' a pair of overalls.....and should I pack a lunch

If you don't particularly like the skin, say why you don't ~but tact and diplomacy are paramount. Common courtesy extended to your fellow site users/skinners/artists etc ..goes a helluva long way.

Tact, diplomacy and common courtesy are of course important, but personally, I see no need to comment if a skin doesn't take my fancy, particularly upon first viewing. At one time or another, there have been skins that initially did not appeal to me, and I'd feel like a right hypocrite, having said 'I don't like it', only to later download it because it fits perfectly in a desktop I'm assembling.

My mum always says: "When in doubt, say nought."
on Nov 28, 2005
Wow. Long thread, much said. I think that Frogboy has exactly the right idea. Skinners need to be able to say "I dont want any comments" and then not have to worry about it. They should also be able to specify: "I dont want any comments from non-skinners". That kind of thing... I think that would reallly help out alot.
I think one solution may be to have a place here on the forums where skinners can easily report this kind of thing and we moderators can jump in and take care of those people. I feel contempt for losers who have nothing better to do than to crap on people who share their hard work with the world.

There is a plan in progress for something like this on IRC. There will be a bit of an announcement if things work out well for it.

As for myself... I can honestly say that I dont look at my own ratings. At all. I dont look for abuse, so I dont see it. If people want to drive-by me, then I'll never notice... thats just my take on it. As for comments, I love them! Comments totally rock, and I love seeing comments from new people to the site, and the 'vets' that have seen so much other work. A pat on the back from them... man, what a boost!

Since I'm a Moderator here on the site now, I guess I get to see a little bit different side of things. More 'front line' protecting, regarding ratings and comment abuse, etc. If there was an easier way for someone to say "Man, I wish someone could take a look at this to see if its abuse", things might be better. Many solutions exist... its just a matter of finding one that will work the best, and implementing it. In the end, I dont think that that is an unreasonable goal. WinCustomize strives to maintain a positive outlook on the skinning community. To do that, a balance must be found between the good of the skinner and the 'freedom' of all the citizens to rate, comment, etc. Lines will need to be drawn, though, that determine who can rate/comment on certain skins. Goal: Skinners choose this, but they CANNOT choose to 'remove' certain comments. (i.e. censoring out improper comments is a worthy goal but not an achievable... removing ones that the skinner 'doesnt like' is not acceptable, and both are not mutually exclusive)

An 'optimised' community will always be the goal... happy skinners, happy users. Compromises must be made, since as soon as you 'remove' the ability to comment, then there will be many POSITIVE commenters lost in that transition as well. In the end, I think that its better to have MORE commenters on your skins than block user ranks due to a few bad apples. These are just my thoughts on the matter.

(P.S.... Gabe, you know I love that Xbox skin... been using it since 10 seconds after it was released! (first download, go me!) )
on Nov 28, 2005
so overall, the question is: is uploading skins worth it?

that´s a question you have to answer for yourself. i for one have not uploaded quite a few things. the problem i have is not mean comments, ratings, download counts or that kind of stuff. that doesn´t bother me. i have a live.

my problem, believe it or not, were the nice people that kept flooding my mailbox with requests (can you make this color ..., that bar on the top ..., etc.) or even worse those thinking i was some kind of tech support (posting a screenshot of a console ends up with people wanting help for setting up PUTTY).

solution is posting things for less popular apps and cultivating an arrogant attitude. i prefer to have conversations in real life anyways.

skinning is still a lot of fun, just started playing with Konfabulator. great fun, i might even learn some javascript by.
on Nov 28, 2005
Ever thought about removing the anonymity of the ratings? If your rating is there to see, in plain sight...by anyone and everyone...wouldn't that stop the malicious raters? You're not going to steal a TV from a store, if you see cameras all around.

Also, Frogboy mentioned only 1% of this site can rate skins...that's not a true average in my opinion. Let anyone who's registered, paying, non-paying, if they have an account...they can rate. This will get you a lot more rates, and more rates will mean a better true rating. Again, with ratings visible...no worries for a malicious one.

Then all we gotta worry about is the people who think their skins are greater than god, and deserve nothing but 10's...meanwhile, anyone who knows better...know's it's mediocre at best. I can see it now..."Citizen X, why did you give me 2 stars? ARE YOU CRAZY??!!! OMGWTFBBQ!"

Ok, maybe visible ratings is a bad idea. Instead, hide the name of the rater, and just show the individual ratings, (4,4,2,4,2) etc. People can police their own work, and see for themselves if there is a malicious rating or not.


Forgot to answer the original question...

Is it worth it? I spent just over 2 MONTHS making my last skin...thats more than 60 days, 8 weeks, a lot of frickin' time! I do it because I enjoy making skins. I enjoy tweaking the finest details, until I think it's perfect. The benefits of uploading are all bonuses to me. I create the skins because I enjoy doing it...the question, "Is it worth it?" doesn't really come into my mind...
on Nov 28, 2005
Is skinning worth it?
If you skin commercially or for your self, then YES it is well worth it.
Not one day goes by that I don't open my PhotoShop and create something either for my self or for a client.
But the real question here is....
Is uploading skins worth it?
Let's face it, most skinners (like my self) skin for them selves and choose to share their work for free with the community, but if the response to that generous action is bad comments and ratings, then it's not really worth the trouble. I rather keep the skins to my self.
On top of this (and as mentioned above) comes a load of requests for addition of a bunch of things that the original author don't even use and most users get offended when the request is denied. One thing is to suggest an improvement to a skin and leave it up to the author to comply and another thing is to demand for things to be added to the skin.
I often reply to those emails as; My skins are Limited Editions. I can only change them when paid for.
on Nov 29, 2005
Oh I like that one A67 I like that alot hehehehehe
on Nov 29, 2005
Is skinning worth it?

Yes. Simply put, if you are satisfied with your skins (whether satisfaction comes from financial income or personal gratification) than it is worth it to make something you love look gnarly wicked cool.

If you are doing it (or anything else) in order to please others, you will consistently get upset about it, simply because tastes are so different in this world.
on Nov 29, 2005
If you are doing it (or anything else) in order to please others, you will consistently get upset about it, simply because tastes are so different in this world.


on Nov 29, 2005
I joined and subscribed to WC soon after buying WB. Back then I downloaded hundreds of skins. It's funny to me now that I spend more time on the forums listening to friends who happen to skin. Granted, I'm a lurker, but I feel part of the community.

I can't skin for beans. I've thrown together a few DesktopX objects and even posted a few (that pretty much sucked in my opinion but I enjoyed making and learning with). I can, however, appreciate the work that goes into creating skins. And I do appreciate it.

I'm going to try to make more of an effort to leave comments for what I do use. To thank you skinners for the hard work you do. Over the years you've made my work much more pleasent. Thanks

"Is skinning worth it?" It is to me as a user. Life's to short to do things you don't enjoy. I suggest that if you started skinning because you liked skinning . . . continue. Post what you make for yourself . . . and never look at the ratings or comments or downloads. That's not why you did it.

I have most of you on my watch list . . . I'll see your work and appreciate it. And I'll leave comments and a rating. I'll even leave my rating in my comments. You guys deserve that. {Great suggestion to make downloading and commenting mandatory before rating and then showing the individual ratings BTW)

In any case, do what you need to do to recharge. I'll be waiting for your return.

And again, thanks for all the amazing work.

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